floor sanding services in hertfordshire and essex


Frequently Asked Questions



Are Quotations free? - Yes between the hours of 930 am & 430 pm Monday - Friday

Do you have to see the job before you start work? - We like to view larger jobs but are happy to do single rooms without first viewing.

Is the process dust free?
- We use 95% dust free machines for the majority of the process, but fine sanding on the finish can cause a little dust, we make every effort to hoover up all remainding dust bofore we varnish.


Should we decorate before or after the sanding process? - In our opinion we are less likely to ruin your decor than a decorator has of ruining a freshly laquered floor, however well they can mask up, one spill can ruin the finish. Skirtings do get marked and will need re-touching.


As a standard how many coats or varnish do you apply? - Unless specified we apply 3 coats when using waterbourne varnish and waterbourne oil or 2 coats when applying hardwax.


Can you fill all the gaps in my Pine floorboards? - We can if we feel the filler has a chance of holding.

Can we see a sample of stain colours? - We approve stain colours on site, on the actual floor, our stain charts and Floor Colour Planner give you a guide.

Can you lime our floors? - We use colour washing to achieve this effect. Its environmentally friendly and does not damage the wood


Is Hardwax a good idea? - It looks and feels great, brings out the real beauty and lustre in the wood, but does require routine maintenance.

What is waterbourne seal? - Its waterbased Polyurethane varnish, some call it lacquer, comes in finishes of Matt, Satin/Slk and Gloss. We apply 3 good Coats as standard.


Can you remove a firehearth in my bedroom? - In Most cases yes. We blend in the repair with reclaimed floorboards

How long roughly should it take to complete projects? - If you allow a day per room then that will give you a rough idea.


Do we need to clear all furniture before you arrive? - Yes, usually our prices are based on working from a clear room unless specified.


Prices what do they start from? - Our minimal charge is £250


What Products do you use? - Generally we use the Blanchon product range, We also use Bonakemi, Becker Acromer, Pallman, Granwax and Osmo


Can you provide references? -We have a long list of very satisfied customers and are happy to give details of our most recent ones on request.

What are your payment terms? - On one day jobs we will require payment in full on completion, we accept Cash or Cheques only.

On jobs scaling more than 1 day we will require a deposit of 40% cleared funds, BACS or Cheque at least 4 days prior to our appointment or cash deposit on the day we start.

Final payment to be made by cash or cheque on completion.


Do you take away all the sanding debris? - Sorry we can no longer offer this as part of our service, Our vehicles are not licensed to carry waste, and believe it or not we would actually be breaking the law. We will leave all debris suitably bagged for your disposal.

Is it true that its easier to sand and finish a wood floor without staining?

Staining floors is not that difficult itself, the key is in the preperation thats needed to get good results, 70% of our jobs are stain and colouring jobs, Company's offering sand and seals only are probably not competent enough to offer this service as it envolves so much more finishing and attention to detail than simply sanding and varnishing. Excuses our customers have heard lately from other companies are: "You can't stain pine", "Our stainer has left the country for two weeks". Any professional floor sander worth there salt should be able to prep a floor for stain, No excuse.


What woods are difficult to stain? - In my experience i find Maple extremely hard to stain without getting blotcheness, Dark woods can only be stained darker.


How can you change the colour of my Maple floor, without causing blotchiness? We can tint Maple using universal tints added to the varnish




varnish manufacturer

wood floor treatments





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